Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery at i Care Center, Delhi

At i Care Center, Delhi, we specialize in advanced cataract surgery to restore clear vision and improve the quality of life for our patients. Cataracts, which cause clouding of the eye’s natural lens, can significantly impair vision and lead to blindness if left untreated. Our state-of-the-art facility and experienced ophthalmologists ensure that patients receive the highest standard of care for cataract removal. The primary method we use for cataract surgery is Phacoemulsification.

Understanding Cataracts

A cataract is a progressive condition where the eye’s natural lens becomes cloudy, leading to blurred vision, glare, and difficulty seeing at night. Common symptoms include:

Cataracts are most commonly related to aging, but they can also result from trauma, certain medications, or medical conditions such as diabetes.

Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery

Phacoemulsification is the most advanced and commonly performed method for cataract surgery. This technique offers numerous benefits, including smaller incisions, faster recovery times, and improved visual outcomes. Here’s an overview of the Phacoemulsification procedure:

Ophthalmic Diagnostic

Ophthalmic diagnostic services are crucial for identifying and managing a wide range of eye conditions, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans. These services encompass various tests and imaging techniques that provide comprehensive insights into eye health. A cornerstone is the comprehensive eye examination, which evaluates visual acuity, eye pressure, and the overall health of the eyes. Advanced imaging technologies, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), offer detailed cross-sectional images of the retina, essential for diagnosing conditions like macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Slit-lamp examinations allow for a magnified view of the eye’s anterior structures, helping to detect abnormalities in the cornea, iris, and lens.

Intraocular pressure measurements are vital for diagnosing glaucoma, while retinal examinations and fundus photography capture detailed images of the retina, aiding in the detection of retinal diseases. Corneal topography maps the curvature of the cornea, crucial for planning refractive surgeries. A-scan biometry provides precise measurements of the eye’s length and curvature, essential for calculating intraocular lens (IOL) power in cataract surgery. Specular microscopy assesses the health of the corneal endothelium, ensuring it can withstand surgical procedures. Together, these diagnostic services form the foundation of personalized eye care, enabling ophthalmologists to diagnose conditions early, monitor disease progression, and tailor treatments to enhance patient outcomes.

Microincision Cataract Surgery

Microincision cataract surgery (MICS) is an advanced, minimally invasive technique for cataract removal. Utilizing incisions as small as 1.8 to 2.2 millimeters, MICS reduces surgical trauma, promoting faster healing and minimizing the risk of complications. This precision method involves using specialized instruments and high-frequency ultrasound to emulsify and remove the cataract, followed by the insertion of a foldable intraocular lens (IOL) through the microincision. MICS offers numerous benefits, including quicker recovery times, reduced post-operative discomfort, and enhanced visual outcomes, making it a preferred option for patients seeking efficient and effective cataract treatment.

How We Help You to

Keep your eyes healthy.


Book an appointment

You can book an appointment online or contact us to book an appointment at your desired time and with the desired specialist.


Register at the reception

Once you are at the i Care Centre Delhi, you get registered at the reception, and are sent to the optometrist


Basic Examination

Your history and refraction are taken by the optometrist, and then you are sent to the Doctor’s chamber for final check-up and consultation.


Enjoy a healthy life.

Follow the advice given by your favorite and most experienced ophthalmologist and enjoy grazing around the world without any eye issues.

Postoperative Care and Recovery

After Phacoemulsification cataract surgery, patients can expect a swift recovery. Here are the key aspects of postoperative care and recovery:

1. Immediate Aftercare: You will be monitored for a short period after the surgery to ensure there are no immediate complications. Most patients can go home the same day.

2. Medication: You will be prescribed eye drops to prevent infection and reduce inflammation. It’s crucial to follow the medication regimen as instructed.

3. Activity RestrictionsAvoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and rubbing your eyes for a few weeks post-surgery. Your ophthalmologist will provide specific guidelines based on your individual case.

4. Follow-Up Visits: Several follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor the healing process and ensure the eye is recovering properly. These visits are essential for achieving the best possible outcome.

5. Vision Improvement: Most patients notice a significant improvement in vision within a few days after surgery, with full recovery typically occurring within a few weeks. Colors will appear brighter, and vision will become clearer.

Benefits of Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery

Phacoemulsification offers several advantages over traditional cataract surgery methods, including:

Why Choose i Care Center, Delhi for Cataract Surgery?

At i Care Center, Delhi, we are dedicated to providing exceptional eye care with a focus on patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction. Our team of experienced ophthalmologists utilizes the latest techniques and technology to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients. Here are a few reasons to choose us for your cataract surgery:

1. Expertise: Our surgeons have extensive experience and specialized training in cataract surgery.

2. Advanced Technology: We use cutting-edge equipment and techniques to provide the highest standard of care.

3. Personalized Care: Each patient receives a tailored treatment plan based on their specific needs and visual goals.

4. Comprehensive Support: From preoperative assessment to postoperative care, we support you through every step of the process.


Cataract surgery at i Care Center, Delhi, is designed to restore clear vision and improve the quality of life for our patients. Our expertise in Phacoemulsification cataract surgery, combined with personalized care and advanced technology, ensures that you receive the best possible treatment. If you are experiencing symptoms of cataracts, schedule a consultation with us to discuss your options and take the first step towards clearer vision.
